Tag: entropy circus
A Sequence of Eight Modal Consciousness Leaps
… or The Studio Process
bad müller fokker
First album of 2025. Assembled from various local sources Tascammed in Prague, Tokyo and Vienna. Not even slightly related to The Shockwave Rider by John Brunner. Free download: https://archive.org/details/mullerfokker
entropy circus on repeater radio
Entropy Circus will be on Repeater Radio tomorrow (20:00 GMT) along with other experienced individuals such as Richard Fontenoy, Ke’v Nickells, Phil Mfu and moar. Be there, or face the rectangular consequences.www.repeater-radio.com Full stream of this broadcast is archived at:https://soundcloud.com/repeater-radio/live-and-indirect-sessions-8
5100 system
Boxing Day morning is traditionally the time when the model railway comes out. The two six-way junctions at the centre of the picture were Xmas presents from teh spouse. Maybe I’ll get a level crossing or a freight truck for…
3 collisions – entropy circus
The twin propellers of a Beechcraft Baron E55, diving though the air above Amarillo, Texas. The left prop describes a broken circle, while the right is a spiral jetty stretching out some twenty three years into the future: Interstate 25…
pulaski expressway trials
5100 system + wavestate + tracker + op1 extracted from a three hour studio session @ AM MODEMPARK studio, vienna
entropy circus backcatalogue
It’s all here! 1989 to the present day. Entropy Circus, Vitreous Enamel Development Corp (VEDiC), Vitreous Enamel Development Assoc (VEDA), The Benelux, The Benelux Circus, Platform Five(5), Zali Krishna, Solomon Kirchner… And it’s all free to download or stream: https://archive.org/search?query=zali+krishna&sort=-publicdate
You wanna see weird little movies? We’ve been making videos for about twenty years for ourselves and for acts like Robert Sotelo and The Wharves. We use a wide variety of techniques and then post the results to YouTube where…
The challenge for progressive jug bands during the Cold War was one of the sheer size of the processing equipment required to create works that transcended the Clyfford Still barrier. Most state-level acts, such as The Tel Aviv Jug Stompers…
the ottakringer protocol
“Six years ago, we released The Puntigamer Hypothesis. It was a turning point, it was an axis mundi in the Entropy Circus landscape. Everything that followed it was an implicit addendum.” Krishna is deep inside his schtick. He adjusts his…
NB: Zali Krishna has retired from live music but continues to record krishna: 08.06.16 – open jack, new river studios, manor house07.02.15 – lead guitar with after man – apiary studio, bethnal green25.06.14 – solo set at gertrude house gig09.03.14…